Questions and Answers

How many kids would you want in the future?

And maybe a bit early for this question, but what sorts of things would you like to instill in them as they get older? (Patience, empathy, etc..)

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

Okay, so…

  1. I want zero kids, the same number I’ve always had. I prefer to raise other men’s daughters, thanks.
  2. It’s actually a bit late for the question, since I’m at an age where I would be less concerned with what I instilled, and more concerned about still being alive when these hypothetical kids reached maturity… I’d be in my 70s before I’d be able to assess any results.
  3. But in paternal fantasy land? I’d probably focus less on telling them what to think and more on how to think. Because my sense is that the future will be less about collecting facts or managing emotions, and more about digging scraps of truth out of petabytes of bullshit without succumbing to perpetual cynicism.