Questions and Answers

Can you give us a run down of what happens when we call a safeword? What’s the aftercare actually like?

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

You say that as if a safeword is essentially a demand to exit the dynamic. In the reality of intimate relationships —as opposed to play-party scenes or random hookups— 90% of the time it simply means “I can’t feel my leg and I’m going to need a doctor if I don’t shift my position ASAP” or “if you keep pushing that emotional button today, you’re going to hurt me more than you realize.” So you shift her position —or amend your own— and get back to work. BFD.

The idea that a safeword is an apocalyptic event destined to end an evening is part of why so many people are stupid dicks about safewords. It’s an alert containing vital information from a loyal and trusted source, not a fucking cease-and-desist letter.