Questions and Answers

I think it must be a good 10 years I’ve been on and off this hellsite now

Everytime I redownload you’re the first blog I look at. I had a tiny glimpse of your attention, but it was obvious I wasn’t for you. It is a real shame because I still haven’t found anyone who is that perfect balance of cruel and kind. I’m busy busy busy with my degree but you still creep on my mind every now and again. I hope you’re well, Mr. Bedtime.

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

Well, first: good for you, staying busy busy busy with your degree… I’m proud of you.

Second, I hope you didn’t take the “wasn’t for [me]” too hard. I’m picky, have lots of people vying for my time, and tend to fall into self-isolating depression when I’m not careful. It takes a compatible set of characteristics, a solid vibe, and a girl’s unbounded determination to get to me, and an endless outpouring of effort to stay. I’m more trouble than I’m worth, unless I’m exactly what you need, in which case I’m worth anything and everything you might endure.

Third, I’m happy to give you a reason to roam these dilapidated halls from time to time… it’s kind of funny, the way I’m in your head, but you’re the one haunting me. 😏