Broken Girl Media

The Lone Man Gets A Lone Season

In the end, the kindest thing the suits could do for everyone involved was cancel Y: The Last Man. If nothing else, it saves me from wasting my time watching it.

I knew it was in trouble when set leaks and press material made it clear the producers and writers felt they needed to de-center Yorick’s privileged, white, cishet POV… despite the fact that Yorick’s POV is literally the story. There’s nothing there but the name if you make it about anything else… if you don’t love/loathe the little dickhead, it’s just a pointless exercise.

But in fairness to those producers and writers, they were in an even worse position than Weiss & Benioff & The Show Which Shall Not Be Named… unlike R.R., Vaughn & Guerra actually finished YTLM, and the ending is a ridiculous shitshow of pointless, emotionally hollow nonsense, meaning it was a narrative freight train headed for the edge of a cliff. The series would have been better off tossing out everything but the conceptual kernel, and calling it The Adventures of Agent 355 and Some White Kid She Met… I might have watched that.

Oh well. I hope Bryan Vaughn wasn’t counting on having his own Kirkman-style empire, and I hope Pia Guerra got enough from the initial deal to at least take a nice vacation.