Questions and Answers

I hope I use all the right terminology but I recently turned 18 and…

…I’m pursuing my first dom/sub relationship and he (my potential dom) said we don’t need a safe word because he would never take me that far…I feel uneasy? Am I being overly analytical? I this how it usually works? I’m confused and a little overwhelmed.

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

Well, I suppose it is “how it usually works”, in the sense that the world is full of clueless guys like that, trying to sell clueless rationalizations like that, to clueless girls like you. But I’d suggest you set your standards far higher than “the usual”.

He’s a “potential dom”, not Nostradamus; he’s not in a position to know what he’ll never do. More importantly, “that far” can be an unpredictable and dynamic extreme… he can do the same thing two nights in a row and get two completely different reactions. And that’s dramatically more likely to happen with a girl who is only now learning what she wants and what she is.

If you were really over-analyzing, you’d already see the obvious: essentially, some dude is offering you a ride and telling you that you don’t need a seatbelt ‘cause he’s an excellent driver… if you’re old enough to be having this conversation, you’re sophisticated enough to detect the flaws in that proposal.

Now ask yourself why he isn’t.