Questions and Answers

i used to be broken&let myself be abused by a man like you. thankfully…

…im no longer that weak person and learned to stand up to my abuser, once I decided I’d had enough and deserve to be treated better. this goes deeper than just kink but I think people are afraid to admit it to themselves or leave their abuser because of retaliation. please stop promoting this sort of treatment of people as a fun kinky thing we all know it’s much more than that, sincerely a once broken person.

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

I’m not quite sure if you’re misguided, or just a troll… I suppose it won’t hurt to give you the benefit of the doubt. Thus:

  1. The word “broken” means something specific around these parts, and what you’re describing ain’t it. I understand the misunderstanding, but I do have a FAQ, so… yeah.
  2. You’ve never known a man like me.
  3. You don’t have to be weak to be abused. It can happen to anyone. And to be frank, the implication that the women in my life are weak and afraid is kind of shitty and presumptuous of you.
  4. With that said, I’m glad you’re in a happier place now, and that you’re proud of yourself for getting there. Good for you!
  5. You seem very confused about what’s going on here. For example, people spend literal years of their lives trying to win a place in my world, and not one of them has ever worried I wouldn’t let her go if she wanted to leave. Quite the opposite, actually… they’re mostly worried I won’t let them stay. (“Is it undying love, or just the sunk-cost fallacy? That’s the topic on tonight’s Maury!”)
  6. Regarding what “we all know”: I don’t want to diminish your personal trauma or your triumph over it, but your experience is less universally applicable than you believe. The world is a big, complicated place, and other people have a nasty habit of being… other people.

Fare thee well, sincere person.