Questions and Answers

I wish I knew how to ask the questions I want to, but im…

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

I wish I knew how to ask the questions I want to, but im not so good with words. so for now, ill just say hi! I hope you’re doing well xx

I like a girl who can give me semi-articulate reports of her inner terrain on a regular basis. I like a girl who says things just so, which always makes me want to write something new. So your trepidation is understandable.

The good news is, you can work on it. You can keep a diary and tell it all the questions you’d like to ask. Obviously —since it’s just a dumb diary and doesn’t know anything you don’t tell it— you’ll need to take care to explain why you’re asking. Basically, pretend the diary is you; explain it the way you’d need it explained to yourself. Which is to say, at the level of an easily-distracted baby goat.

Before too long, I’ll bet you you’ll be able to recite a whole series of interesting questions, made even more interesting for all the effort you’ve put into phrasing and justifying them.

And that’s the great news. Even if I never answer one of your future asks, you’ll have still made yourself a more clearly comprehensible, carefully considered, and productively self-aware girl… purely to earn the fleeting attention of a stranger. Isn’t that lovely? I think it is.

Now get to work.