Questions and Answers

My biggest struggle in being a “good girl” is my figure.

I always mess up, eat something bad and then fall apart. Do you have any tips on firmly staying in the right mindset when it comes to food?

I want to be good.

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

First, it’s sweet that you want to be prettier for whoever owns you. I commend you. If he’s worthy, then he deserves your best.

But messing up isn’t the end of the world. You’re a dumbass, and mistakes are to be expected. If you were capable of flawlessly executing the routine duties of adulthood, you wouldn’t be so eager to be a good girl.

As for falling apart, that’s you, giving in to despair… and frankly, that sort of surrender is above your pay grade. That’s someone else’s call. You don’t need to waste time heaping disappointment on yourself… let your man measure out his disapproval, then carry exactly what he apportions you and nothing more. You have a sadist for a reason; stop trying to do his job.

And finally, mindset. You’re slipping up for one of two reasons. Either you’re just hungry —in which case, slow down and eat responsibly, stupid— or you’re trying to avoid thinking about something and are escaping into the ritual and sensory satisfaction of mowing through an entire package of Chips Ahoy.

If it’s the latter, there’s a simple, old fashioned remedy. You know what wipes your mind out and has zero calories? Edging. Edging your wet little cunt for literal hours, dying for a satisfaction you know you don’t deserve or even need. You’ll be amazed at how many compulsions you can accidentally avoid while you’re sweatily masturbating on sheets you’ll be changing twice before bedtime.