Questions and Answers

Uhm… so I‘m in a relationship with a 17 year age gap… also I‘m 24… and he used to be my teacher (no joke)…

And we are in a kind of ddlg Relationship, it’s mostly in the bedroom but some aspects are also there in everyday life. What I wanted to ask you is how you feel about couples who are into bdsm and have a big age gap. Also how do you feel about bdsm couples with a pre existing power imbalance, like me dating my former teacher. Idk just looking for an opinion, thanks!

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

Honestly, I think a kinky age-gap relationship has a better shot at success than the vanilla equivalent. ‘Cause at least the kinky people (presumably) have a shared vocabulary for discussing the way power is distributed and manipulated in a relationship, something ‘nilla people seldom bring to the table.

And a reminder: bosses marry their secretaries, pastors marry their parishioners, cops marry civilians, people from rich countries marry people from poor countries, people from the upper class marry people from— okay, I couldn’t do that one with a straight face. But still.

My point is only the purest and most tedious relationships don’t bring some kind of funky, pre-existing power imbalance to the table, so it’s an added layer of complexity that you should always factor into your thinking, but not actually worry about.