Questions and Answers

Hi! I’m seeing a guy and he is a lot more experienced than me,…

Hi! I’m seeing a guy and he is a lot more experienced than me, I’m 22 and haven’t had sex yet and I don’t know if I should tell him or not, cause i’m scared of the reaction i might get in both scenarios: if i do and he thinks i’m odd for it, or if i don’t and then when we have sex i’ll probably be too shy, in awe and awkward to function. Any advice?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

First, let’s face it: not telling him isn’t an option. He deserves to know that you need him to take the lead. Besides being unfair, keeping it from him might lead to him interpreting your awkwardness as dissatisfaction or disinterest. There is no positive outcome here.

Yes, the alternate path could lead to him bailing. There’s some varying degree of risk to it. But you don’t need your first time to be with someone who doesn’t want to be your first time.