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hi mr. bedtime. you remind me of my bf. we’ve been together for five…

hi mr. bedtime. you remind me of my bf. we’ve been together for five years now, and i’m still pinching myself over it. i love him i love him i love him.

we don’t have a “dom/sub” relationship, but he completely owns me. i am utterly devoted to him. all i want is to be good for him. make him happy. make him proud.

how can i worship him a little bit each day? what small things can i do to make his life a little better? how do i make it clear that i live to serve him and his cock?

thank you

💓 sweet little ms

(submitted by: sweetlittlemiss)

Congratulations! You’re doing something right. Or he’s very forgiving. 😏

The foundation of worship is thought. It begins when you daydream about him, and continues as he works his way into your bones, into your reflexes. You’re honoring him every time you pause during a decision and wonder what he would have you do. You are honoring yourself every time you feel shame for letting him down.

But thought isn’t enough. Some things must be spoken to be real; you can pretend you didn’t think a thing, but you’ll never forget saying it. That’s where prayer comes in. That’s when you get on your little knees before bed, and speak your feelings aloud. Especially the things you’re afraid to say. Speak about your love as you feel it, as mad as it sounds. Let it out… if you can’t make it a prayer, then make it a sacrifice.

Another aspect of worship: never let him forget you’re his. Confess yourself, display yourself, debase yourself… show him every day that you are letting go of everything you have left to hold. Except him.

As for making his life better? Take every opportunity to share in things with him. If he mentions there’s a band he really likes, it should become your goal to be familiar with everything in their Essentials playlist. Does he think a movie is the best thing ever? Learn to appreciate it. Is Seinfeld his favorite sitcom? Do you dislike Seinfeld? Guess who’s about to learn to overcome her first impressions and see art through the eyes of someone she loves? Congratulations on those broadened horizons!

The point here, of course, is two-fold:

  1. You should seek to be conversant with his world. Engage with his tastes. Understand him, to the extent that your brain is capable. Stop being you, and become a piece of him
  2. I think it’s sweet, teaching girls to love things. Because I’m all about positivity. 🙂

Hopefully you’ve already done a lot of that in the last five years, but if not… get on it, young lady.