Questions and Answers

I don’t know what preternaturally means, but I’m 19 and was raised by my…

I don’t know what preternaturally means, but I’m 19 and was raised by my grandparents. Does that mean I have a shot?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Protip: Google those unknown words. Belonging to me means life becomes one long vocabulary lesson, punctuated by those odd occasions when you triumphantly catch me mispronouncing something, I ask if your head is getting bigger along with your ass, and you suddenly realize that cheap thrills have rapidly mounting, extravagant consequences.

You’ve managed to stitch together a couple coherent sentences and didn’t call me “bro”, so yeah, you have a shot. But the bullseye is small, little girl. There’s no room for error.

But if your aim is true, who knows… maybe we’ll wreck your grandparents’ dreams together?