Questions and Answers

I bet you’d be the perfect partner in public, take care of me, open…

I bet you’d be the perfect partner in public, take care of me, open doors, make sure I’m warm or I have water but the second the door closes or we’d get a moment alone, I can imagine you slapping me across the face and telling me everything I did wrong that day. You’d pull my hair so hard I think your ripping it out, rip my top, slap my exposed tits, tell me all the reasons your punishing me, and if I was good all day? Well then this is just for your pleasure, just so I can be your good little toy, crying and whimpering in pain and fear, but so eager to please my daddy, and I’d take and love and hate every bit of it cause what else is there for me?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I hold doors for everyone older or smaller than me, but never for you. You’ll hold them for me. You’ll carry my coat. You’ll pull out my chair. Other people will think it’s sweet, the way you dote on your dad.

I like people staring at your tits, so I’ll take away your coat every time we’re out on a chilly evening. While we’re waiting for our table, I’ll remain in the heated reception area, and I’ll tell you to stay outside. I’ll wave through the glass as you shiver.

I’ll definitely make sure you have lots of water. Glass after glass. Until you feel bloated and uncomfortable. Until you’re distracted. Until you get up to pee and I shake my head. Until you start to wince and squirm and your mom asks if you have a bladder infection, embarrassing everyone in the room. Except me. I’ll be smiling.

I most certainly will not wait until the end of the day to recite the litany of your failures. I know how to whisper. And you damned well know how to listen. I will announce your fucking doom with the softest breath upon the wind.

How much did the top cost? Is sex with you actually worth that much? I mean, if you want to get me excited, then sell the top on eBay and buy me dinner with the proceeds. You’ll love my enthusiastic reaction, I’m sure. So much you’ll start thinking about all the places you could take me and your sisters, if only you had some renewable commodity that you could sell again and again…

I have no quibble with “what else is there for me?” Congratulations, you got a thing right.

In fairness, it is the most important thing.