Questions and Answers

I’m really not sure what I’m asking, maybe if you have any insight on…

I’m really not sure what I’m asking, maybe if you have any insight on why all of a sudden I might need a softer type of aftercare than what I usually ask of my doms? Have you ever had a sexual partner that was into extreme cruelty/hard kinks but needed to just be held in silence after? Or someone that usually didn’t ask for a cuddly type of aftercare, suddenly craving it? It feels silly, and almost… weak? For me to even admit that. Which I know is stupid considering I’m only human 🤦🏻‍♀️ I just feel off.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Um, honey… maybe you are off. Maybe you’re having a hard time right now, and need some minor modifications to the routine. People aren’t static… they have rhythms, and within those rhythms are variations and stutters.

Trying to be consistent for your man? Good girl! But even good girls twist their ankles and need to limp now and then… and similar things can be said about twisted brains and hearts. If you’re a hot little cunt who lets her man fuck with her brain and beat up her body, then you’re gonna get hurt sometimes, and you’ll need additional/different care.

It’s just not a big fucking deal. I know you’re afraid of it becoming a chronic thing, but you know what’ll make it a chronic thing? Acting like it’s a big fucking deal, and refusing to cut yourself the very little slack you need to keep your shit together.

Allow yourself to catch your breath and soothe your wounds. Ask for what you need. In no time at all, you’ll be back to the stoic little pain-sponge you’ve always been. You’ve got this.