Questions and Answers

I lost my job earlier this week and I’ve had several extremely strong orgasms…

I lost my job earlier this week and I’ve had several extremely strong orgasms thinking about you condescendingly assuaging/prodding at my embarassment over the whole situation. I’ll be okay materially but it’s the first time I’ve ever been let go from a job that wasn’t seasonal and my fantasy life is really helping pick up the psychological slack, and I find that you take up more real estate there than I realized.

Just thought that might make you smile.

(submitted by: eve402)

You poor thing! I’m so sorry you had to be shown how disposable you are in such a public way! I mean, rejection is bad enough in an intimate relationship with shifting needs and rules, but in a stable job you (theoretically) knew how to do…? Wow. I really admire how gracefully you’re handling the shame.

You must feel so let down! Or is that even possible? Can you ever really let yourself down? Or is like tickling yourself, and no matter how much you fail, it’s just not the same without someone else to blame?

It’s okay, you can sit in my lap and cry. I don’t mind when you’re pathetic. I mean, I guess I mind a little. It’s kind of gross. It’s like, what’s wrong with you, and why are you like this? But mostly I don’t mind. Generally.

And don’t you worry! There will be moments when you’ll feel like I’m looking at you with distaste and disappointment, like I can’t believe you’d fuck up so badly and have the nerve to show your face to me, like the only thing about you that I respected is now gone and you’re laid bare as a tool with no utility. And I just want you to remember in those moments that I said that’s probably not what I’m thinking at all.

So… how many acres would you say I’m working now?