Questions and Answers

Mum and dad were horrendous bullies when I was growing up, and beat me…

Mum and dad were horrendous bullies when I was growing up, and beat me regularly every time I disappointed them. I love them so much even though looking back some of what they did was horrifying. However, now, I don’t think anyone who doesn’t beat me can love me the way I want to be loved. Not sure how I feel about that.

Your blog makes this secret shame feel.. normal. Thank you for that.

Good girl.

It sounds like the “horrifying” amounted to more than “some”… if you’re going to be a brave enough little cunt to admit your embrace of what you’ve become, you deserve to identify those that made you so. Accepting yourself doesn’t mean accepting them.

For some girls I’m a quick rub-n-snore. For others I’m a great love. For some I’m something celestial.

But for others, I am simply a relief. And I am pleased to be.