Questions and Answers

If you could choose to live anywere in the world, where would it be?

If you could choose to live anywere in the world, where would it be?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Probably England. A sleepy village in the Midlands, perhaps. I’ve watched enough Geordie Shore now to know that if I ever travel more than five minutes north of Manchester, I’ll have no clue what anyone is saying, ever.

Maybe Australia. There’s a lot to love about those barefoot weirdos, their approach to life, and their charmingly ridiculous, honking accents, but on the other hand, I’m pretty sure I’d be murdered by a carnivorous bug the size of my fist five minutes after moving.

Canada used to hold more appeal, before I found out that their medical system is kind of a mess compared to the NHS. (I’m old. Shit like that matters.)

I’d be willing to live in small town New England… it wouldn’t be ideal, but it would be pleasant.

Of the places I’ve already lived, I could deal with Colorado, or the Pacific northwest. I like the weather, if nothing else.

At least one person would love for me to move to Paris, but I speak no French, and my interest in European cuisine leans more toward Spain and Italy than France.

Places I absolutely, positively never want to live? Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, the panhandle of Florida, Kenya, Venezuela, Russia, China, or North Korea.