Questions and Answers

I like asking you simple stuff cause I always wanna see if you twist…

I like asking you simple stuff cause I always wanna see if you twist the question or make it more meaningful somehoe (you usually do and it’s great)

(submitted by: Anonymous)

What are you trying to imply? What? Answer me, you fucking bitch.

Answer me! Why the fuck aren’t you talking? You fucking love to talk! You fucking talk all the fucking time, don’t you? You don’t ever shut up. No matter how many times I fucking ask, no matter how much my eyes beg, you won’t shut your stupid, worthless, useless fucking trap! You shallow fucking cunt.

So no, you don’t get to be quiet now. Not now. No way. You fucking tell me right now, what are you trying to say?

How do I twist anything? What does that even mean? Who the— who the fat, hairy fuck are you to— of all fucking people, I mean… are you fucking serious? You’d better— okay, wait. Okay.

You know what? You didn’t mean that the way it came out. I realize that now. You wouldn’t. You couldn’t.

Because you know what I’d do.

You know what I’d do if you tried to turn this shit around on me. You know I’d be the bad guy if you made me the bad guy. You fucking know it.

So no, no… you didn’t mean it. Not the way it came out. It’s okay. I forgive you.

I’ll bet you meant it differently. Like a compliment, almost. Like, a compliment made by someone too stupid to actually offer one. Like, maybe she’s heard a compliment once or twice, and is trying really hard to do an imitation? So it comes out like a bird call mixed with a hiccup? That kind of compliment.

In which case, thank you, pet! You’re lovely. ♥️