I played Leander (1991) via a giveaway coverdisk from either Amiga Power or Amiga Format magazines, but only when I was at my friend’s house. That’s because the developer locked the game to the UK’s PAL resolution and scan rate, which wouldn’t work with my NTSC TVs. But through sheer luck, my friend stumbled across a Japanese-made, off-brand NTSC TV that would seamlessly transition to PAL when fed a signal.

Unfortunately, the excitement of “Woo-hoo, I can finally play this!” rapidly transitioned to “Oh, I’m finally playing this” once I realized it sucked. Like many Amiga games of the era, it felt more like a tech demo than a game… it was pretty to look at, but the player character controlled like a brick with feet.

(I’m giving you some side-eye, Shadow of the Beast.)