What was the searingly painful and acutely self aware ‘thing’ you wrote that captured…

What was the searingly painful and acutely self aware ‘thing’ you wrote that captured Bedtime’s attention? In awe of you


@bedtimestoriesforbrokengirls šŸ‘€

It was a post that made me cry while I wrote it. He could probably taste the tears through the screen, like a Domly-shark.

HA! Anon is quoting one of my posts from a few years agoā€¦ congrats, clever anon, you cracked the code. You are entitled to 30 seconds of smugness.

ā€œIn awe of youā€. That is perhaps the nicest possible way to be called a giant slut.

There was nothing sharky about my response, though. The piece was just startlingly, emotionally raw, so much so that it stuck with me. Probably the best Tumblr post I never rebloggedā€” ā€˜cause it was so intense and personal.

But fuck it, Iā€™m not passing up a chance for a King Shark/Harley Quinn GIF, soā€¦