Questions and Answers

How would you educate someone about D/s dynamics and BDSM to potentially get them…

How would you educate someone about D/s dynamics and BDSM to potentially get them on board and giving it a go. I’ve tried talking to my husband about it multiple times but he’s closed minded and thinks it’s a bunch of guys with anger issues ‘smacking around’ girls with daddy issues.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

All of my educational references would be to really ancient stuff from the ‘90s: Different Loving, Screw the Roses, SM101, etc… you can undoubtedly find better out there today.

But before you start educating, think about about your husband and your goals. ‘Cause two things are true in my experience:

  1. Teaching him that it’s okay to hit a woman won’t make him want to hit a woman. If it doesn’t already stir something within him, nothing you teach him will make it happen. Education is for his conscience, not his cock.
  2. Beware unintended consequences. If you educate him and he decides he’s not into it… what then? By going to the effort to read about and extensively discuss this activity, then pushing him —however gently and lovingly— in to it, he’s likely going to feel Othered by the whole process. Expect it and plan accordingly.

Figure out what’s holding him back before you try setting him free.