Questions and Answers

i have this one fantasy i always feel super fucking guilty about where someone…

i have this one fantasy i always feel super fucking guilty about where someone asks me to describe in detail the time i was raped and makes me touch myself while i do and degrades me for it and i know it makes absolutely no sense but it never fails to get me ridiculously wet just imagining it even though i don’t think i could ever bring it up with a partner. i dunno why i’m telling you this, i just kind of wanted to get it off my chest, i guess. sorry.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

From back to front:

  1. You’re forgiven.
  2. You’re telling me because you need to know how it feels to admit it to a man, and know you’ve made him smile rather than recoil. You desperately need to share it with someone who will interrupt you to tell you that you’re a vile, selfish piece of garbage, and then urge you to go on.
  3. (🙂, you sick little pervert.)
  4. You can bring it up. Or you can just do it, if he’s an overtly kinky guy. If you try it with a nervous or vanilla guy, yeah, you’ll scandalize him, and promptly find yourself fielding those “Do you have medication? Are you in therapy?” questions that every girl has gotten at some point. So be sure you’re telling your truth to someone eagerly listening… but when it’s right, open up.
  5. It makes sense, dummy… it’s odd, not crazy. You want your rape to make him cum. You want to invite him inside it, into the pocket universe you visit, where you live those moments over and over. You want to gift him an easy pleasure for which you have paid dearly. You want to be known. Why wouldn’t you get wet at the thought of all of that?
  6. You go right ahead and feel guilty, honey. What you’re contemplating is awful. Just awful.
  7. Now think about it anyway.
  8. Good girl.