Questions and Answers

Hi! I hope you’re having a good night! This is completely random but I…

Hi! I hope you’re having a good night! This is completely random but I just stumbled across an old train of tumblrs that led me to the anonymous question about not being his equal and how to do better and your answer about the obvious gaslighting that was going on….

I was the one that asked that question. Years ago. I didn’t even remember until this moment. Thank you for explaining how deep I was in it. Thats what helped me start to get the courage to leave an extremely abusive person. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to that question back then.

I wish you all the best and hope you’re well or as well as you can be!

(submitted by: Anonymous)

You are welcome, sweet person. And this is long overdue:

I’m very proud of you.