Questions and Answers

Actually I am for sure going to fucking die if you don’t want me…

Actually I am for sure going to fucking die if you don’t want me one day.

403 Forbidden

Who on earth gave you the idea that you’re qualified to determine the length of your term upon This Prison Earth? Are you confused or just stupid? You cannot possibly want me that badly while thinking for even a second that the resources you represent are somehow yours to render inaccessible at whim. (I’m going to be generous and go with “confused”.)

If there is any chance that I could ever make use of you, in any way, then you’re fucking obligated to be there for me. And don’t fuck with me, or I’ll sentence you to a widow’s life of romantic mourning when I’m gone, too.

You think your bio-dad can bring a guilt-trip? Cunt, you have no goddamned idea. I will fucking haunt your every waking moment, and dominate your dreams. 

Don’t even try me, dumbfuck. My “boooo” and clanky chains routines are on point.