Questions and Answers

Is it selfish of him, if when he finishes everything’s finished? Or is it…

Is it selfish of him, if when he finishes everything’s finished? Or is it just me being needy?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Depends on the relationship.

If it’s at all conventional —even conventionally kinky— then yeah, he’s being selfish, and no, having needs doesn’t make you needy. You should tell him to shape up or ship out.

If it’s anything like one of mine, then holy hell, you’ve got it backward. You’re the selfish one, genius. Your greedy fucking cunt doesn’t deserve a “finish”, because like the rest of you, it’s an empty hole and inherently incomplete.

Your meals are over when I’m done eating, your show is over when I’m done watching, your night is over when I’m done sleeping, and yes, your sex is over when I’m done fucking. Your time is divided not into moments or hours or days, but according to my rhythms and moods.

But on the bright side, you’re still not needy. Your needs would have to matter for you to be needy.