Questions and Answers

You’ve described yourself as like Zeus. If it were set up such that she’d…

You’ve described yourself as like Zeus. If it were set up such that she’d never see you again unless you chose and that she consents to the possibility, would you knock up a woman just for the fun of it, to use your power to change her life’s course? To make her never forget how her body and life is changed because of you: your seed growing inside her, the stretch marks and engorged breasts, her sobs and wails as her body tears while birthing, exhaustion from a child that keeps her awake at night with worry, the career paths not taken because of childcare needs, her hard-earned money spent on children’s shoes instead of replacing her old clothes, and so much more, all because one night she worshiped her god and his perfect cock.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I couldn’t do it.

I’d never be able to leave her completely alone. There is no way I could fail to taunt her and ceaselessly remind her that I am the author of her fate. I’d want her to experience my contempt for the child, and have a bone-deep sense of how disposable she was. I’d want her to feel my eyes roaming over her wrecked body, like I’m surveying a field I’d long ago planted, harvested, and salted. I’d want her to sit with me and listen as I tell her about how good it felt to destroy her, and how I decided a few spasms of pleasure were worth taking away her future.

Call me principled, I guess.