Questions and Answers

I just heard you on your youtube and you do not sound like I…

I just heard you on your youtube and you do not sound like I thought you would. I thought you’d sound like a gruff old man whose vocal cords are damaged by screaming at his neighbors. It actually sounds really young and stern as fuck and I listen to it every single morning like a ritual.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I’m old, but I’m not that old, for fuck’s sake. 😏

I only yell when someone has utterly failed and left me ashamed to call her mine.

I don’t think of myself as “stern”, but there are probably a few people who would disagree with me.

Oh, and good for you! I am best consumed in ritual fashion.

Also of interest: I’m going to be live 7pm-11pm (eastern US) on Saturday, as an extra-long, birth-month present to the Cunt Club. So feel free to stop by and say hi. Or just sit mutely in the corner and rub yourself… I’m flexible.