Questions and Answers

how do your girls handle not knowing your name or seeing your face 🤔…

how do your girls handle not knowing your name or seeing your face 🤔 is that a power thing to have over them, or a trust issue? Why have subs if it’s all anonymous from your side? I just don’t get it

(submitted by: Anonymous)

You’re quite confused. Partially because I’m confusing, but mostly because you haven’t done your homework.

  1. Go read Faith In Absence. Girls fall in love with me before *I* know *their* names or faces; asymmetrical intimacy is built into the dynamic from its inception.
  2. Go read this ask. And then ask yourself how that works if no one knows my name.
  3. At least ten girls around here have heard my name and seen my face. One of them spent two weeks sleeping on my knee and gargling my piss… I tried to keep her busy, but I’m pretty sure she looked up a time or two. And now that international travel is again a rational possibility, another one will soon have a similar crotch-level view of my visage.
  4. Speaking of the piss-gargler, note that here is a photo of her hanging off my arm. She’s short, but I promise, she could see my head from down there.
  5. Girls are neither created nor broken equally. Not everyone gets to live with me, not everyone gets to touch me, and not everyone gets to see me. But all are welcome to join the congregation.
  6. With all of that said, yes, some girls surrender every intimate detail of their lives without knowing anything more than what the eight years of this blog can tell them. They handle it easier than you might think, because faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen. Oh, and yes, it is a power thing. And a trust thing. And a few other things besides. I’ve got lots of things.