Questions and Answers

Why do I have so many rape fantasies when I know I absolutely don’t…

Why do I have so many rape fantasies when I know I absolutely don’t want this to happen to me irl. I do not know how to deal with this. It feels like a betrayal to every woman who has really had to experience this.

There’s nothing particularly feminist about martyrdom.

So step outside yourself for a moment. Think of the little boys playing soldier behind the house down the street. They aren’t betraying anyone in an unmarked grave near the Somme… they’re taking a very real, very scary part of their world and converting it into play, where they can feel some control over it and come to terms with it. They’re taming the terrifying, one “PEW PEW” at a time. They’re human, and they want to be brave.

Let them have it, dummy. There’s no virtue to living in fear.