Questions and Answers

Is there a big difference between the one with 3 cams and the ones…

Is there a big difference between the one with 3 cams and the ones with only 1? Such as much longer relationship, much deeper relationship… how do they others cope with knowing they’re evidently much less important or cared for than another? And having it talked/bragged about so openly and publically?

I’ve been a sub too a dom with many before and it just isn’t for me very clearly, I don’t understand how the jealousy and insecurity issues don’t wreck things. That seems like it would wreck havoc on one’s mental health but maybe that is just me. Have a great day, sorry for the intruding questions 😅

There are differences between all of them. The camera thing is just one small point of differentiation. There’s also GPS access, for example… there are girls with no cameras, but whose location I always know. And there are girls who have both. Similarly, there are girls who have given up control of some combination of their social lives/careers/finances/bodies, and girls who haven’t.

(And again, much of it is simply down to practicality. Some girls have one camera because they have roommates, and can’t have more.)

RE: how do they cope with being less important?

Importance isn’t the goal. Usefulness is. If she’s useful, a girl is exactly what she needs to be, neither more nor less.

You’ve got to understand that I’m not a dom with a surfeit of subs, nor am I dude with a gaggle of girlfriends. I’m an organizing principle. I’m a belief system. Girls often fall in love with me before I even know they exist. And even after I know them, it frequently takes years for them to convince me they’re worth it. To go from that —from being formless, pointless little nothings, devoid of purpose— to having their love acknowledged and accepted is all the importance they can handle.

RE: jealousy and insecurity issues

Insecurities —like cunts— are toys. If (generic) you don’t get wet when someone plays with yours, then you’re not meant for me.

And jealousy just isn’t an option. If you resent the happiness others bring me, then you’ve already failed both of us.

I’m the meaning in your life, not your boyfriend.