
I’m old and thus don’t understand the broad appeal of things like Twitch, but I’ve got to admit, I actually enjoy watching expert Beat Saber players do their thing.

As far as playing it?

  • Dear god, get the words “hundred dolla bills!” out of my fucking head. Please.
  • Playing my way through Dance Monkey and Barbie Girl back-to-back resulted in Baby Talk Overload. A small part of my brain died. I had to immediately play Soundgarden’s Spoonman to resuscitate it.
  • Based on my willingness to play through them over and over in BS, it appears my two favorite songs of the last twenty years would be Seven Nation Army and Florence’s No Light. I could have guessed the former, but I’m mildly surprised by the latter.
  • I also appear to like This Is America a lot more than I initially believed.
  • And Tenacious D seemed a lot funnier in the ‘90s.
  • It is technically impossible to not look like some variety of dork with a giant plastic box strapped to your head and a cable tangled around your ankles, but BS occasionally makes you feel like a cross between Neil Peart and Syrio Farel, and that fleeting sensation is sublime.

A couple years later, I have figured out the Twitch thing.

But the rest stands as written.