Questions and Answers

so are the girls you have cams on actually owned, your property? Call you…

so are the girls you have cams on actually owned, your property? Call you Daddy? or are they just ones you wanted to have the chance to be seen by god or however you phrased it

(submitted by: Anonymous)

As it’s generally understood, sure, they’re mine. They’ve all devoted themselves to me, they all actively serve me, and I have them at a disadvantage on every possible level.

And they’re all projects. Some of them started off in decent shape, while some were wrecks when I found them. Some have progressed quickly, some slowly. None are nearly as good as they should be… but they do okay, for the most part.

Half call me Daddy, half call me God. They’re all half-right.

There’s a person or two who give me ongoing glimpses into their lives just for the chance to be seen… and to cling tightly to a place in my thoughts. They don’t have 24/7 cameras… but you never know, I might decide that’s something I want. And I’m sure they’ll leap at the opportunity.