Questions and Answers

your replies to people are so cringe. you try way too hard to come…

your replies to people are so cringe. you try way too hard to come off like somd kind of intellectual in a fuckin tumblr kink space and it’s embarrassing to read.

  1. From the perspective of your personal mediocrity, my limited importance undoubtedly looks unreal and unreasonable. Fortunately, I don’t need to be a giant to know you’re an ant.
  2. Hate to break it to ya, champ, but this is just how I talk. I don’t have to try at this any more than you have to try to be a sniveling little fuckwad.
  3. You’re embarrassed by me, and I’m already beginning to forget you exist. What a pair we— wait, was I just talking to someone? Never mind.