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Armie Hammer’s allegations: the texts (“Incapacitating you and being able to do whatever I…

Armie Hammer’s allegations: the texts (“Incapacitating you and being able to do whatever I wanted to in every single hole in your body until I was done with it.”) shocked people. I think they’re tame and lame. (Your cat could write better than that. If you have a cat?) I didn’t realize how far outside the mainstream I had drifted (thanks in no small part to you…)

And the allegations from the women: what does this say about CNC? Scary

Your opinion desired

(submitted by: curiousitysthings)

I haven’t watched House of Hammer yet, and haven’t followed the Armie situation super-closely. So I don’t have any strong feelings.

I will say, though, that what I’ve seen suggests Armie is pretty much RandoDom #36874B. He doesn’t seem to have put any thought into his kinks, and if he weren’t good looking and rich, no one would have ever allowed him to ramble on about said kinks in the first place.

But yeah, just between us… I mean, I get that the whole cannibalism thing surprises people, and it’s not to my (heh) taste, but it’s like… and…? The shocking thing is that he appears to have been pushing a threatening kink on girls who were —at best— vaguely interested.

If you’re going to bring the serious mindfuckery —to say nothing of physical pain and scarring— then you need to vet your bitches to ensure they’re going to be enthusiastically receptive. You don’t try to project that shit on to whatever runway model you happened to bump into at a party last week… particularly since you’re Armie Fucking Hammer. You have the resources to find hot girls who are totally down for any and all depravity.

Which is why I think Armie’s real kink is having the power not to give a fuck about anyone else’s kinks.