Questions and Answers

That last question with the “yo boss”? Had me spitting out my tea. I…

That last question with the “yo boss”? Had me spitting out my tea. I cannot imagine going up to You, of all people, and addressing you so flippantly. Thank you anon for the best laugh I’ve had all day.

That kind of thing doesn’t bother me at all. She doesn’t owe me deference if she isn’t subject to my authority.

If you’re a civilian or an otherwise affiliated entity, any old form of address that lives just this side of “mild distaste” is probably okay. I’ve been online longer than most of you have breathed air, and have been called many things. A few of them were even flattering.

With that said… I like your attitude. It’s too bad you came to me on anon, ‘cause I would have told the Stream Secretary to award you a Good Girl Point. Which, honestly, has got to feel like watching someone flush affection down the toilet. That’s gotta hurt.

Which makes me want to give you another Good Girl Point.

And now you see how the cycle begins…