Questions and Answers

Please help – I’m scared because I found a great guy my age and…

Please help – I’m scared because I found a great guy my age and didn’t look at your blog or porn at all anymore and I thought I was actually normal and that everything sick was just a phase but it’s been a year and I’m starting to feel old urges again and I can’t even have sex anymore without thinking about you and other creepy things but I don’t want to be broken

(submitted by: Anonymous)

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Okay, you need to try being a little kinder to yourself, kiddo.

First, remember that you aren’t sick, creepy, or even broken for being aroused by what I say or how I say it. Humans find ideas and poetry exciting, and while the thoughts and art that titillate you do say something about you, they’re not definitive. You are bigger than your orgasm.

Or to put it more fancifully: your clit isn’t a magic lamp, so rubbing it isn’t going to make your worst dreams come true.

Second, let’s consider the situation: you found a lovely, age-appropriate fella, but your mind is wandering from him to me. As much as I love being the center of attention, isn’t it possible this has less to do with my undeniable allure or your inescapable brokenness, and more to do with how sometimes a great guy still isn’t the right guy?

I mean, look… you would be far from the first girl to find herself stuck in my gravity well. Maybe you’re really just a guilt-ravaged little cunt who is damned to fantasize about me until the day fantasy isn’t enough. Maybe you’re irretrievably damaged, and simply too afraid to accept what you’ve become.

Or maybe you’re someone with an active libido and imagination, who isn’t fulfilled by her well-meaning, box-checking boyfriend. Someone who lacks the insight or self-regard to frame the resulting situation as anything other than a failure of “normality”.

If that’s the case, just relax. Be patient. Another nice boy will come along, he’ll be better than the last one, and you’ll forget about me again.

And if not… welcome home.