Questions and Answers

I love Broken Girl News so much. Its truly the best thing youve done…

I love Broken Girl News so much. Its truly the best thing youve done on this blog. I love Reading and keeping up with the news and most things you ask of your girls I could never do but knowing theres just one i can do with ease makes me so happy. 🥺

Link posts are something I’ve toyed with over the years, but it was always a pain the ass compiling, formatting, and posting them. I could never do it consistently.

But now I’ve developed a workflow that removes most of the friction… I read the news as usual, highlight the stuff I like, and fire off an iPadOS shortcut that assembles all the links into a formatted list and posts it to Tumblr for me. It basically takes five minutes now.

So you’ll be seeing a lot more of it, lucky girl.