Questions and Answers

Do your girls go to therapy? And if they do, How do they approach…

Do your girls go to therapy? And if they do, How do they approach the subject with their therapists? Or would you not let anyone else near their minds?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Some do. Either because they actively want to, or I think they need the extra help.

Personally, I did a couple years of therapy, learned a lot from the experience, and benefited greatly… without going into even the slightest detail about my kinks. So the subject won’t necessarily come up.

But if it does? They can be trusted to prioritize my privacy and authority, and hey, sometimes a girl just wants to talk to someone who isn’t erect when she recounts her trauma, y’know?

Ultimately, a girl’s therapist is no more threatening to me than her dentist. I respect the efforts of competent professionals, but I’ll rattle her jaw if need be.