Questions and Answers

Why do you like Woody Allen?

Why do you like Woody Allen?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

As one of the most significant filmmakers of 20th century film? Before you asked, I actually thought I liked him more than I do. I checked my ordered list of 1,300+ movies, and the first Allen flick doesn’t make my list until #105: Crimes & Misdemeanors. He next shows up ten spots down in the list, with Hannah & Her Sisters. And I’ve basically ignored the whole of his post-2000 output… I tried Midnight In Paris, but fell asleep.

(For future reference, his most beloved film is the one I like the least: Annie Hall. I just… can’t. It’s so goddamned boring.)

As for the man, I don’t like him as an individual… honestly, I suspect I’d find him insufferable. He’s a control-freaky little twerp who won’t shut the fuck up about jazz. How do you have dinner with that?

As an actor, he has no range —he’s only capable of playing variations of himself— but he’s usually best in his broader comedies, and weakest in weightier stuff like Shadows & Fog.

As a director, he’s effective at capturing a scene, and he has a photojournalist’s eye for cities, especially NYC. And he has a rapport with a broad range of actors across generations, so he generally gets the performances he wants from people.

As a writer, he’s in his element. Granted, his “voice” gets a bit monotonous over 50 years —and seemingly as many movies— but it is a strong, persuasive, entertaining, and weirdly sensual voice. The little fucker can turn a phrase.