Questions and Answers

aren’t you tired of being a parent 24/7 irl and to random girls online?

aren’t you tired of being a parent 24/7 irl and to random girls online?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

You say that like this is an optional program. Which I get, because believe me, I tried to treat it like one for a long time.

But the reality is, they started coming to me decades ago, and even when I tried to chase them off —or simply ignore them— they kept coming. At some point, I had to accept that this is how it is, and I’d better find a way to make it work for me.

(Which has been a lengthy process, in and of itself… sometimes allowing people to love you is harder than it looks.)

Is it still tiring? Fuck yeah. But it’s up to me to demand that it be rewarding as well, and that they make it so.