Questions and Answers

I don’t think I’m your kind of “broken girl” anymore. I think I was…

I don’t think I’m your kind of “broken girl” anymore. I think I was a number of years ago but I’ve pulled it together since then. Is it weird that the more this decade shapes up, the more I think maybe it would be easier if I was still your kind of broken? That life in this climate would be more bearable if I was still the kind of person who would fully give myself over to a guy like you?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

First, congratulations on your personal growth. I’m glad you feel better about yourself.

Second, I hate to disappoint ya, but I’m primarily attached to girls who have “pulled it together”… if you can’t keep your ship afloat on a day-to-day basis, I can’t navigate you anywhere interesting.

Third, nah, it’s not that weird. The planet just spent a few years trying to kill your grandparents while drowning you in depression and debt, and none of the mechanisms involved gave one microscopic shit about you. The law is turning against you and your body without even knowing you’re alive. Life itself has been going out of its way to show you how little your struggle matters.

So why wouldn’t you occasionally imagine a life where your suffering is seen? Where your sacrifices serve a purpose? Where the author of your travails is a concrete, appeasable entity and not an unfathomable amalgam of Mother Nature, mass delusion, and primal fear?

Sometimes a girl just wants to give her pain a name.