Questions and Answers

My feelings for you are so insanely hard to ignore. Sometimes I think you’re…

My feelings for you are so insanely hard to ignore. Sometimes I think you’re the only one that could understand me, the amount of worship and emotion I have isn’t just for anyone.

I just thought I should let you know from the shadows.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Who cares if you aren’t “just for anyone”? All you need to be is just for me. And for the record, “worship and emotion” aren’t a problem, as long as you understand what you’re selling.

Because worship isn’t love. Worship is more than love. Worship is a love offered with hope but without entitlement. Worship is a question that doesn’t expect an answer. Worship is a sacrifice; a penance and a prayer. Worship is healing, no matter how much it hurts.

The day you’ve internalized that, I’ll bet you’ll feel the shadows receding.