Questions and Answers

Excuse my rambles, I just had to get this out somewhere. I’m not sure…

Excuse my rambles, I just had to get this out somewhere.

I’m not sure what to say, just- I have no irl sex experience. I’m not sure if bdsm is for me, but I find bdsm so interesting. And reading your blog and the blogs of your girls.. I wish I had that. I want to be submissive and to want to live for someone else. To have my purpose be to make someone else’s life better. I want it so bad. It’s scary though because I’m not sure if it really is for me or if I’ll like it.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Many thoughts:

  1. Your lack of sexual experience is less concerning than the lack of life and relationship experience it implies. Personally, I don’t feel good about taking things from girls who don’t know exactly what they’re losing… the less you understand at the outset, the longer and harder you’ll need to work to show me you get it.
  2. For your sake, I caution you to avoid normalizing the sort of kink/romance/spirituality we practice. There’s a whole world of sexual adventure between “BDSM isn’t for me” and “I serve a new god who toys with my body and abuses my soul”… you can fall anywhere along that spectrum. It’s not a choice between nothing and me.
  3. There is indeed a big difference between fantasizing about it and living it. Everyone can pray, but most are never inspired to don a habit and move into a convent. What kind of faith do you have?
  4. It’s good that you’re scared. You should be. You can’t unring a bell, and you’re craving things that can transform and mark you forever. If you can be fulfilled by something else, then you’re not ready… you’ll know it’s time when you can’t imagine a life that isn’t devoted to your owner.
  5. This all sounds rather doom-and-gloomy, but it isn’t. If a world like mine is right for you, you’ll feel more at home than you ever dreamed possible. Life won’t magically turn into a neverending parade of bliss, but the struggles that persist will finally mean something. And your cunt will make you squirm… a lot.
  6. Be true to yourself, and honest with yourself. You’ll figure it out.