Questions and Answers

Mr, may I ask your opinion on something that’s been bothering me? I’m really…

Mr, may I ask your opinion on something that’s been bothering me? I’m really into ddlg and ageplay, but it makes me feel disgusting because of antis. Which I admit is kinda fun, but I hate how horrible I feel when I indulge in it, even by myself. Do you have any advice?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Okay, I had to run this through a GenZ-to-English translation matrix, but I think I’ve got it now.

You’re super into DDLG and ageplay, but everyone in your social sphere talks incessant shit about both. This makes you feel kinda gross, which in turn is kinda exciting. So you end up in this frustrating spiral of arousal and shame that your peer group clumsily reinforces. And you’d like some advice. 👍

  1. Adults choose their friends. Adults choose their alliegances. There’s nothing wrong with having contrarian influences in your world, but you’re not obligated to eat their shit on a daily basis. You’re entitled to make a space for yourself —for the self you truly want to be— and populate it with those who make you feel safe.
  2. People are large, complex, and constantly evolving systems. They generate good ideas, and bad ideas, and bad ideas that emerge from good ones. Sadly, they’re not big on nuance, they’re as concerned with being perceived as they are with perceiving, and they like having their thoughts pre-chewed. So before taking anything one of them says to heart, ask yourself if you respect the individual voice that’s speaking… that’ll eliminate a lot of noise right there.
  3. Your clit doesn’t owe anyone an explanation.
  4. Or an apology.
  5. When you isolate yourself within a world of ‘nilla wafers, you don’t stop being kinky. You just become impatient, and scared, and stupid. The first random dumbass who “hey there little girl”s you at 2am on a horny night is going to scoop you up and fuck you over, and you’re gonna feel so alone that you’ll wind up blaming yourself. You deserve better.
  6. Life isn’t about binary, right/wrong decisions. It’s about priorities. It’s about realizing that opposing truths can both be truths. That what’s good for a person may not be good for most people, and that’s okay.