Questions and Answers

search “because i liked a boy” on YouTube and maybe youll be interested in…

search “because i liked a boy” on YouTube and maybe youll be interested in Sabrina Carpenter. Olivia’s album was all about how her boyfriend dumped her for a prettier, older, more experienced girl and that girl is Sabrina.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I’m assuming this is the same boy from “Vampire”, too? Olivia’s getting a lotta mileage out of one dick. Good for her.

Anyhoo… I watched “Because I Liked A Boy”, and… it’s fine. It’s not bad. It’s over-produced, yet somehow under-thought. I might think more highly of her if I listened to her other stuff.

As for making a choice between the two… okay, I can see a twenty year old kid looking at Sabrina and thinking she’s sexier. She’s a better dancer, certainly. Perhaps more worldly, at least superficially. Better hair. But Olivia is far more my type… in the end, it’s not even a fair fight.

(And for the record, “Vampire” has reengaged my interest in Olivia. I really liked that.)