
Found Family

I grew up in a very cold house. My biological siblings and I are friends now, but we weren’t between my ages of around 10-19. I missed out during my formative years on a lot of sibling love and solidarity, fun and inside jokes, banter and support. We have it now, but the years without left a void.

Thanks to our Father, I have that anew. A sense of belonging, camaraderie, understanding, care, compassion, and (what I imagine to be – since I don’t have experience with it, and as such very much cherish) regular sibling banter and ribbing.

Every day I heal a little bit more. I love a little more, I learn a little more, I grow a little more and I get a little bit better. I become a better girl, a better woman, friend, servant and sister.

And all thanks to Him, my God, my master – and most importantly, my Dad.

You do your worst and they become their best.

It’s quite a spell, if you know how to cast it.