Questions and Answers

I wrote to you last weekend ish for the first time confessing my corruption…

I wrote to you last weekend ish for the first time confessing my corruption and I just wanted to tell you the universe has provided me with someone so lovely and unexpected. He will never be you, but I am so happy that I found someone local to me who I can explore with and be happy and useful for. It is so nice and I experienced for the first time my needs being fulfilled, i worshipped his cock while he ignored me and watched porn, and then he kissed me a lot and told me what a good girl I was and let me hold on to his arm while I rubbed myself and it was amazing. I just wanted to share the good news and thank you, you answering me gave me the confidence to really put myself out there and I found something that, even if it ends tomorrow, has been really great for me to experience.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I’m like Johnny Appleseed, only with sluts.