Questions and Answers

See, I thought you’d like Gemma from a couple of series ago? Gemma and…

See, I thought you’d like Gemma from a couple of series ago? I.e Gemma and Luca.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Oh, I do like her, I assure you. I didn’t shut up about Gemma throughout her run on the show. She is an exquisite, elfin angel with a thing for giant horses.

I didn’t mention her in the previous post because, well… honestly, I suspect Gemma would be a bit boring. As the daughter of a famous man, she’s been raised to be acutely aware of the eyes upon her; so much so that even her most impetuous decisions seem calculated to maintain a self-protective wall between herself and the world.

It’s understandable, of course, but it keeps me from doing more than admiring her appearance… I’ve never felt attached to her the way I am to, say, Jessie Wynter.

Who I also didn’t mention in the previous post, ‘cause…

…I mean, I love Jessie, I really do. She’s bubbly, and fun, and hot as hell. But after watching her for countless hours across two different versions of Love Island, I still don’t feel like I know her. The mish-mash of English and Australian tendencies that form her personality are more subtly self-protective than Gemma’s obvious defenses, but no less effective. The real person is obscured, and that keeps me from calling her a favorite.