Questions and Answers

Hi Mr! You admire me greatly and I started making little changes to my…

Hi Mr! You admire me greatly and I started making little changes to my life thanks to you. For one, I am finally working out and eating healthier. I only started this month so I know I have a way to go, but I started at least. I’m also working on catering to the male gaze more. You were right when you said performed femininity is hot- I’m a lesbian but I really want a Daddy who I can look like porn for and let him fuck me all the ways he desires.

I hope you are having a nice evening! Thank you for your time.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

RE: “You admire me greatly…”

I’m assuming that’s a nervous garbling of the intended sentiment, otherwise…

RE: started making little changes

Good girl! Little changes are the building blocks of a better you, and I’ll happily take credit for each one you implement in my honor.

RE: catering

The male gaze is deceptively diverse, and chasing it will leave you adapting to the tastes of both heroes and buffoons. You can do —and be— more than that.

Instead, try catering to a specific male’s gaze. Pick a man you respect, discern his preferences, and become everything he craves. It doesn’t matter if the man in question notices… what’s important is that the design of The New You will be particular and opinionated, not a bland collection of characteristics assembled to the suspect specifications of the most mediocre men.

In short: be a Mac, not a PC.

And thank you for your sweet sentiments!