

I don’t think i had ever been so exposed in my entire life. Completely nude— physically and mentally

I felt like a subpar piece of cattle as he looked me over, cocking his head and squinting at my low-grade lumps of flesh.

I laid there on the bed, staring up at this man, my God, that I had dreamed of for so long. When he pulled a disposable glove out of his pocket, my heart sank to my chest. It was so medical, so sterile. But I couldn’t blame him for not wanting to get my mess all over his fingers.

In that moment, I knew that I was finished. Done for. Nothing would ever be the same. My brain hadn’t quite caught up yet, but my body just knew that I would be his forever.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way

A wise man makes proper use of his tools… if I’m going to dig around in filth, I’m going to wear gloves. And once I got a good look at that flooded crevasse, you’re lucky I didn’t call for a wetsuit and a fucking mop.

And I’m surprised it took you until that moment to know you were finished. Seems like there were plenty of opportunities during the five years you waited and the 1000 miles you drove to reach me.

I guess some girls can’t feel the truth until it’s moving inside them.